CCPS Student Assessment Information is now available in Parent Portal
Please use the links below for directions to accessing your child's assessment information.
- Virginia Standards of Learning Testing Program
- Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP)
- Substitute Tests
- Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing
- College Board Tests/CTE
- English Language Proficiency Assessments
- Local Alternative Assessments
Virginia Standards of Learning Testing Program
The Standards of Learning (SOL) for Virginia Public Schools establish minimum expectations for what students should know and be able to do at the end of each grade or course in English, mathematics, science, history/social science and other subjects. SOL tests in reading, writing, mathematics, science, and history/social science measure the success of students in meeting the Board of Education’s expectations for learning and achievement. All items on SOL tests are reviewed by Virginia classroom teachers for accuracy and fairness, and teachers also assist the state Board of Education in setting proficiency standards for the tests. The results of SOL assessments in the content areas inform parents and teachers about what students are learning in relation to the SOL and hold schools accountable for teaching the SOL content.
To learn more about the Virginia Student Assessment Program, visit this link.
Computer Adaptive Test (CAT)
A computer adaptive test (CAT) is an assessment that is customized for every student based on how the student responds to the test questions. Students who take online grades 3-8 mathematics and grades 3-8 reading tests will be administered a computer adaptive version of the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests.
Technology-Enhanced Items
Today’s online SOL assessments challenge students to apply what they have learned in ways not possible with traditional multiple-choice tests. Reading, writing, mathematics, science, and history assessments include “technology enhanced” items that require students to demonstrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, much as they do in response to classroom assignments from teachers.
Growth Assessments
Legislation passed in the 2021 General Assembly (HB2027 and SB1357) requires the implementation of “through year” growth assessments in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8. In the Spring of 2024, A resolution was passed by the Virginia General Assembly allowing school divisions to administer alternate assessments for the Virginia Growth Assessments in SY 24-25. The criteria for an alternate assessment is that it has to be aligned to Standards of Learning, approved by VDOE, and does not replace the end-of-year SOL. CCPS has applied for and has been approved to administer MAP as the alternate measurement of Growth for grades 3-8.
Standards of Learning Test Schedule (24-25 SY)
Grade 3 |
Grade 4 |
Grade 5 |
Grade 6 |
Grade 7 |
Grade 8 |
End of Course |
Reading | Reading | Reading | Reading | Reading | Reading | Reading |
Writing -Local Collection of Evidence | ||||||
IRW (Integrated Reading and Writing) |
IRW | |||||
Math | Math | Math | Math | Math | Math |
Algebra I Algebra II Geometry |
Va. Studies | Civics and Economics | World History I World History II VA&US History | ||||
Science | Science | Biology |
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP)
The Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) is designed to evaluate the performance of students with significant cognitive disabilities in grades 3-8 and high school. Students complete a multiple-choice assessment in the content areas of reading, mathematics, and science that is administered in an online or paper format.
VAAP is based on academic content standards derived from the Standards of Learning (SOL) in reading, mathematics, and science that have been reduced in depth, breadth, and complexity. These content standards are referred to as the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL).
Substitute Tests
As permitted by the Standards for Accrediting Public Schools (8VAC20-131-110), the Virginia Board of Education has approved various “substitute” tests and set the minimum score that must be achieved for the purpose of awarding verified credit to students. The tests listed in this document are approved by the Virginia Board of Education as substitute tests, and verified credit can be awarded when the student achieves at least the minimum score required for a Pass/Proficient rating as shown for each test.
ACT WorkKeys® assessments measure foundational skills required for success in the workplace and help measure the workplace skills that can affect job performance. Each assessment offers varying levels of difficulty. The levels build on each other, incorporating the skills assessed at the previous levels. For example, at Level 5, individuals need the skills from Levels 3, 4, and 5. The complexity increases as the quantity and/or density of the information increases. These tests serve as substitute tests in Campbell County with proficient scores. WorkKeys Assessments Offered:
Workplace Documents for EOC Reading
Employees need to be able to understand written text to do a job. The Workplace Documents assessment measures the skills people use when they read and use written text such as memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, policies, and regulations on the job. Get more information:
Business Writing for EOC Writing
The Business Writing assessment measures the skill used when writing an original response to a work related situation.
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing
MAP is an adaptive assessment that measures progress and growth for students. MAP results are reported in RIT scores, an estimation of their instructional level, which correlate to percentiles. RIT scores increase as student learning increases, and anticipated growth rates are based on national norms. From the test results, teachers will use data-driven decision-making to differentiate and enhance instruction for all students. Students in Campbell County Public Schools will participate in the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing Program three times a year. Students will be assessed in Reading (Kindergarten through 9th grade) and Math (Kindergarten through Algebra I). CCPS uses NWEA MAP as its universal growth measure for instruction and student learning, and the data gained from testing helps to strategically plan for and shape instructional goals and practices.
College Board Tests/CTE
SAT/SAT School Day
The SAT, Scholastic Assessment Test or SAT Reasoning Test, is a test used to assess high school juniors and seniors’ college-readiness by measuring reading, writing, and math levels. Scores are used to determine acceptance to colleges and universities across the nation. Campbell County proudly participates in the SAT School Day program to increase accessibility to the SAT by administering the test during the school day to high school juniors annually in the spring semester. High Schools will communicate additional details for students.
The PSAT, Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, is a test administered by the College Board taken by high school sophomores and juniors to help prepare for the SAT. The test is a good indicator of how students perform on the SAT. In Campbell County, the PSAT is given to all 10th grade students. Results can be also used to determine eligibility for the National Merit Scholarship Program.
Advanced Placement (AP) Testing
Students who participate in AP classes have the opportunity to take the corresponding AP exam in May. They may receive college credit by achieving a high score on the College Board’s Advanced Placement Tests. Colleges have different criteria for awarding credit scores on AP tests, and high schools can assist students with finding these policies.
Financial Literacy Program/W!SE Test
Students typically take Economics and Personal Finance during their tenth grade year. The culmination of the course is participating in the W!SE (Working in Support of Education) Test. Students may earn the W!se Certified Financially Literate™ (CFL™) credential by passing the test. The credential shows colleges and employers that students have the knowledge and skills to be financially knowledgeable.
English Language Proficiency Assessments
WIDA Screener
The WIDA Screener is an English language proficiency assessment given to incoming students in Grades K-12 to assist educators with the identification of students as English learners (ELs). The purpose of this assessment is to help educators make decisions about whether a student is a candidate for English learner support services. The WIDA Screener assesses the four language domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
The ACCESS for ELLs® 2.0 test is an English language proficiency assessment based on the Model Performance Indicators (MPIs) of the WIDA English language development (ELD) standards for students K-12. The ACCESS for ELLs® 2.0 test assesses social and instructional English used within the school context as well as academic English associated with language arts, mathematics, science and social studies across the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The ACCESS for ELLs® 2.0 test is administered annually to EL students K-12 to monitor their progress in acquiring English proficiency.
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® is the ELP assessment for EL students who have significant cognitive disabilities. The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® test is an English language proficiency assessment based on the Alternate MPIs of the WIDA ELD standards for students in grades 1-12. The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® test assesses social and instructional English used within the school context as well as the academic English associated with language arts, mathematics and science across the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs® test is administered annually to EL students in grades 1-12 with significant cognitive disabilities to monitor their progress in acquiring English proficiency. For additional information, visit the VDOE website.
Local Alternative Assessments
Guidelines for Local Alternative Assessments require school divisions to provide a balanced assessment system, where students produce work or demonstrate their knowledge, understanding, and skills in ways that are authentic to the subject and/or the real world. Your child’s work is evaluated to improve assessment and instruction in the classroom better.
Campbell County Public Schools administers locally developed assessments in lieu of SOL tests for third-grade science and social studies, sixth-grade U.S. History I, and seventh-grade US History II SOL tests. School divisions must certify that they have provided instruction and administered an alternative assessment to students that no longer have these corresponding SOL tests.
Students in ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade participate in the collection of evidence for End of Course (EOC) Writing, where performance tasks are used to earn verified credit, replacing the traditional End of Course Writing SOL Test. The collection of evidence must include three types of writing covered by the English Standards of Learning during grades 9-11: persuasive, analytical, and argumentative, with at least one of the writing samples including a research component. Students who have not shown adequate growth or have an incomplete collection during their 11th-grade year will be able to take the alternative assessment, Workkeys (approved by VDOE), to earn a verified credit. Verified credit information for English will be available at the conclusion of the 11th-grade academic year in Infinite Campus.
Beginning in 2021-2022, students in ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade participated in the collection of evidence for End of Course (EOC) Writing, where performance tasks are used to earn verified credit, replacing the traditional End of Course Writing SOL Test. The collection of evidence must include three types of writing covered by the English Standards of Learning during grades 9-11: persuasive, analytical, and argumentative, with at least one of the writing samples including a research component. Students who have not shown adequate growth or have an incomplete collection during their 11th-grade year will be able to take the alternative assessment, Workkeys (approved by VDOE), to earn a verified credit. Verified credit information for English will be available at the conclusion of the 11th-grade academic year in Infinite Campus.
Score Reporting of Local Alternative Assessments:
To view your child’s progress on these Local Alternative Assessments, visit the assessment tab within Parent Portal.
More Information concerning Campbell County Public Schools Local Alternative Assessment can be accessed by clicking on the following links: