All-In Campbell Plan: Pathway to Strong Foundations
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Following the release of Governor Youngkin’s ALL in Virginia Initiative in September of 2023, school divisions were provided with the High-Intensity Academic Playbook: Recommendations and Best Practice for High-Impact Tutoring. The ALL in VA plan is designed, in part, to provide academic tutoring to accelerate at-risk students to grade-level success. Research shows that students can gain an additional three to fifteen months of learning in a successful, high-intensity academic tutoring program.
Details of the guiding principles for ALL in VA include:
1. High-dosage tutoring: The strongest results for tutoring involve consistent and frequent sessions over an extended period.
2. Low Tutor/Student Ratio: The state recommends a ratio of 10:1 students to tutor to maximize the benefits of the tutoring sessions.
3. Acceleration Approach: The effectiveness of tutoring relies on a combination of instruction on grade-level material balanced with attention to previous learning gaps. The balance of these two approaches yields the highest return over traditional remediation approaches.
4. Grade-Level Materials: Materials for acceleration should be grade-level, standards-based resources.
5. Trained and Supported Tutors: Tutors will receive training on best practices for accelerated tutoring. Materials will include digital practice, tutor lesson plans, and resources.
6. Relationships: Consistency within the tutoring groups lead to greater academic success as tutors are more fully aware of student learning needs. Positive relationships among students and tutors have a large impact on student success.
7. Progress Monitoring: Student progress will be monitored throughout the tutoring program so that appropriate adjustments can be made in real time.
Campbell County Public Schools’ mission to provide a world-class education for all students begins with preparing students for all post-secondary endeavors. Academic success and preparation are at the heart of that mission. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, student achievement, while improving in many areas, has been impacted. Therefore, having structures of support in place to accelerate student success and grade-level preparedness is of the utmost importance. This document outlines the implementation plan for CCPS’ Pathway to Strong Foundations initiative that meets the requirements of the ALL In Virginia Plan and builds a strong foundation for continued academic growth and success.