Believe. Achieve. Become.

CCPS Employment

You Belong Here CCPS
Thank you for your interest in Campbell County Public Schools. 
Applications will be reviewed as vacancies occur and will be retained in active status for one year. Applicants will be notified if selected for an interview for open positions. Campbell County Schools seeks candidates for CLASSIFIED positions on an ongoing basis.


View Job postings and Apply

Alternate Path to Virginia Licensure: 

Campbell County Iteach partnership

ITeach- iTeach is an alternative route to licensure for anyone that has a Bachelor's Degree or Provisional License. 

Visit the ITeach VA Website for all of the details.  

April Information Session

Please contact Leigh Anne Mason( for questions about this program.

First page of the PDF file: Iteach_VA_ACE3


First page of the PDF file: iteach_CandidateFlier_VA1

Certified Employees

Classified Employees

Campbell County School Board is an equal opportunity employer (adopted 10/8/12)
The School Board is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in relation to race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin, or marital status. This attitude will prevail in all of its policies concerning staff, students, educational programs and services, and individuals with whom the Board does business. (Adopted 5/22/03) 

Si Ud. desea mas informacion, favor de llamar (434/332-3458, extencion 221)

For employment  verification inquiries  please contact  the personnel office via email to: