Mobile Learning Device Use Agreement Overview:
Please review the following guidelines to develop an understanding of the responsibilities associated with a CCPS loaned mobile learning device. CCPS mobile learning devices and accessories are provided for educational purposes only and are intended to support the learning objectives of CCPS. However, due to the possibility of misuse, a student loaned mobile learning device or access to any CCPS network is a student's privilege and not a right.
Equipment. CCPS is loaning the following Equipment for the exclusive use of the Student. The Equipment is the property of CCPS and is on loan to the Student for educational purposes only, subject to the conditions herein.
Student Grade Level
Equipment loaned (1 per student)
Estimated Replacement Cost
Grades K-2
iPad plus charger
Grades 3-12
Laptop plus charger
Term of Agreement and Return of Equipment. CCPS is loaning the Equipment to the Student for the current School Year. The Student’s use of the Equipment is a privilege and can be revoked at any time. The Student must return the Equipment upon the request of CCPS at the end of the school year or if the Student withdraws from CCPS.
Inspection by CCPS. The Student has no expectation of privacy in his/her use of the Equipment. CCPS reserves the right to monitor the Student’s use of the Equipment, to periodically inspect the Equipment, and anything stored on it without prior notice. The same monitoring policy applies to any CCPS loaner device given to a student while their assigned device is out for repair.
Use of and Care for the Equipment.
•The Equipment is to be used for educational purposes only, and the Student’s use of the Equipment must comply with all applicable School Board Policies and Regulations, including the Acceptable Computer System Use Policy IIBEA/GAB, Regulation IIBEA/GAB
•The Student is responsible for the reasonable care of the Equipment and should place it in a secure location (locked up when possible) when not in use. The Student should take care not to drop it or get it wet, and must not leave it outdoors or in a car in extreme weather conditions or use it near food or drink. The Student may clean the Equipment with a soft, dry cloth only but may not remove any protective case to clean it.
•The Student will transport the Equipment as needed and bring it to School each day, fully charged. The Student and Parent/Guardian understand that if the Student comes to school without his/her Equipment, the Student may not be able to participate in classroom activities, and his/her grade may be affected.
•The Equipment is for the Student’s exclusive use. The Student may not lend the Equipment to anyone, including friends or siblings. The Student will not alter, disfigure, or deface the Equipment or cover up any numbering, lettering, or insignia displayed on the Equipment. The Student will not alter or remove any CCPS software, programs or applications from the Equipment, and will not load any software, programs or applications on the Equipment.
•The Student is responsible for all personal data contained on the Equipment, and CCPS is not responsible for data loss. The Student should regularly back up all files and data to external media such as flash drives, Google Drive, or hard drives.
Security Measures. CCPS has installed security measures on the Equipment that will function outside the Division’s network filters. These tools may be used to track CCPS’s inventory and are intended to filter or block access to sites with child pornography, obscenity, and material CCPS deems to be harmful to juveniles as defined in Va. Code §18.2-390. While CCPS uses these technology protection measures to limit access to material considered harmful or inappropriate to students, it may not be possible for the school division to prevent such access absolutely, and the Parent/Guardian should supervise the Student’s use of the Equipment while at home.
Responsibility for Loss or Damage and Duty to Report. The Student and/or Parent/Guardian are responsible for the repair or replacement costs, whichever is less, for any damage to or loss of the Equipment. Damage includes, but is not limited to, defacing of the Equipment, broken or damaged components, and conditions beyond normal wear associated with the use of the Equipment. Accidents do happen, and the school administration will determine if the damage was due to negligence in each case. The Student and the Parent/Guardian are not to attempt to repair the Equipment. CCPS will manage all Equipment repairs. If the Equipment is lost or stolen, the Student and/or Parent/Guardian must file a police report within 48 hours The Student and/or Parent/Guardian must immediately report to School Personnel any damage to or the loss or malfunctioning of the Equipment.
Data usage. CCPS is not responsible for any data or overage costs associated with home internet use.
Every Student and Parent will be asked to complete a Student/Parent Mobile Learning Device (Equipment) Use Agreement regarding any Mobile Learning Device loaned to an enrolled student. This agreement will need to be signed each school year.
The Student/Parent Mobile Learning Device (Equipment) Use Agreement can be found here.