Please help us by participating in the 2024-2025 transportation registration process, which only takes 1-2 minutes to complete. Remember that you must live within the school attendance zone to qualify
for school bus transportation. This information has been emailed to the email address on file.
Please complete this survey, even if your child is a car rider.
If your child was riding the bus at the end of the 2023-2024 school year, that information will be displayed in the survey. Completing the survey will verify this information or allow you to make necessary changes.
If the link in the email doesn't work when you click it, you may need to copy the entire line below and paste it into your browser's address bar.
We will continue sending these messages twice a week until a response is received.
New PreK students may not show up on the bus survey application if their enrollment record hasn't been created at their school, but their car/bus
rider status has been recorded in their PreK application for this year.
The general link is https://bussurvey.campbell.
The parent specific codes should be visible to you on the Student Bus Survey tab in IC under 'Guardian Link' - these are the links that will be sent via email to each parent. Parents of students who are enrolled within the next few weeks will be added to the list before each email is sent out. Note that the emails I send will only go to guardians with emergency priority 1.
Students and Parents/Guardians
We are proud to be able to offer your students the convenience and safety of public transportation to and from school and to extracurricular events. We are dedicated to providing the safest and most reliable transportation possible. Students are our focus and their safety is our priority.
The Transportation Department plays an important role in the mission of Campbell County Public Schools. In the interest of the safety and welfare of our student passengers, CCPS maintains strict transportation discipline and safety regulations. The standards of behavior outlined in the CCPS Code of Student Conduct and the following additional transportation rules and regulations will apply to all students anytime they are using CCPS Transportation Services. Using CCPS Transportation Services is a privilege. Virginia Code, 22.1-176, permits school boards to provide transportation to pupils but does not require them to do so. Disciplinary consequences resulting from failure to follow these simple safety regulations may result in revocation of riding privileges and/or suspension from school depending upon the severity of violation.
Pre-K-4th Grade Students only: Parents/guardians or a designee of students in preschool through the fourth grade must appear at the bus stop each morning and afternoon to load and receive PreK-4 students. The designee may include an adult (designated in writing) or a sibling (5th grade or older. If you or your designee is not present to receive your child in the afternoon, the bus driver will bring your child back to the school. Failure to take possession of your Pk-4th grade student may result in the loss of transportation services.
We understand that CCPS transportation is essential for the majority of our families, and that student and school safety is the most important issue we collectively face. We take the responsibility of providing a safe bus environment seriously, as we should. We will continue to evaluate and improve our transportation safety practices so all our students can have a safe and positive school experience. We ask that you assist us by setting high expectations for your student’s behavior while riding CCPS buses. Their success and safety depends on all of us.
Bus Behavior Expectations and Rules
At the Bus Stop
Boarding the Bus
On the Bus
Exiting the Bus