CCPS Technology Plan
Campbell County Public Schools
“To provide a world-class education that enables every student to choose and pursue any post k12 endeavor”
Educational Technology Plan
This plan is modeled after the Educational Technology Plan for Virginia. Any plan, whether a technology plan or otherwise, should focus on continuing to do what is being done well and state a course of action to achieve those goals not yet reached. This is precisely what this plan has tried to accomplish. This plan calls for CCPS to continue to provide the technologies, services, and support it has provided for many years but to keep an eye on the technological horizon. This plan is written to enable the Division to be a state leader in the use of technology to expand student opportunities as well as to explore and implement innovative ways to improve teaching, learning, and productivity in all schools.
One last and particularly important note: the technology uses referenced in this plan include technology for ALL students, as the increased emphasis on personalized learning makes clear. Along with the needs of typical students, the needs of exceptional students at both ends of the spectrum must be addressed.
Dr. R. Mark Slusher, Director of Instructional Technology
Mission Statement
The Technology Department will maintain a robust, safe learning environment that will provide all students and staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to seamlessly integrate technology into their daily lives.
Vision Statement
Providing CCPS a digital learning environment 24/7.
Strategic Priorities
Ø Establish a culture that is safe and nurturing while allowing responsible change and builds confidence in all stakeholders
Ø Provide a meaningful and purposeful education for the whole child
Technology Plan
Enhance Personalized, Equitable Student Learning Experiences with Technology
GOAL: Promote and support personalized, deeper learning experiences to demonstrate workplace readiness by creatively solving complex problems, thinking critically, collaborating, communicating, and demonstrating responsible citizenship.
Results(What do we want to accomplish?) |
Indicators(What evidence will exist on completion?) |
Action(What action will be taken?) |
Ø Students will develop deeper learning skills by leveraging technology as a resource or tool. Ø Educators should strive for a balance in learning settings between online, face-to-face learning and passive and active learning. Technology should not replace other key learning methods including recess, creation of art and music. |
Ø Personalized artifacts will demonstrate and provide an understanding as the students work through each stage of learning Ø Using grade level Digital Learning Integration and Computer Science standards, students will be able to leverage technology as a resource or tool. Ø Document technology-based resources used by students and innovative learning experiences such as blended learning, PBL, and personalized learning |
Ø Research, vet, and develop digital resources for the division to assist in providing innovative, personalized, and deeper learning experiences for all students. Ø Develop and revise existing policies to support innovative learning experiences Ø Students will use technology: 1. as a tool to research and build an understanding of core academic content areas 2. while working cooperatively in PBL Experiences 3. for the purpose of communicating effectively in an academic setting 4. to promote learning how to learn |
Ø Educators will leverage current and emerging technologies to increase opportunities for students to follow personalized learning pathways. |
Ø Students will develop individualized digital portfolios that will continue to be populated as they progress from K to their 12th year |
Ø Students will use technology: 1. As a tool to develop an academic mindset for both educationally and personally selected learning experiences 2. To choose content area topics via PBL to extend personal knowledge 3. To be actively involved with the content and assessment methods based on their individual needs
Ø Students will demonstrate proficiency in a variety of ways, such as the creation of digital artifacts |
Ø Through G Suite for Education, O365, and associated apps, students will derive and collect a variety of digital work Ø PBL Assessments |
Ø Students will develop a repository of artifacts as examples of their personal and deeper learning each year including digital representations of the PBL experiences |
Ø Educators will expose the technology necessary for all students in career and college opportunities and promote workplace and college readiness through advanced coursework, mentorships, and internships. |
Ø CCPS staff will assess the student technology needs to guide in the use of distance/virtual classes, completion of a portfolio, CTE certifications, and resume for each Ø CCPS staff will collect data on the students enrolled in advanced course work, internships, and mentorships or those receiving industry certifications.
Ø CCPS staff will influence the technology necessary to develop individualized internships, virtual classes and CTE requirement success |
Support Innovative Professional Learning with Technology
Goal: Promote and support current emerging technology-based resources that support educators in developing and employing innovative strategies and practices to support student-centric learning models to increase quality of education and equity for students.
Results(What do we want to accomplish?) |
Indicators(What evidence will exist on completion?) |
Action(What action will be taken?) |
Ø Educators support personalized, deeper learning experiences enhanced with appropriate technology integration. |
Ø Multiple Online resources exist for technology integration Ø Utilize PD to create appropriate and meaningful PBL Assessments that are in-line with technology goals Ø Staff provide yearly suggestions for PD |
Ø Identify, develop, and maintain effective online PD opportunities Ø Provide and support PD that increases the capacity of educators to design and facilitate meaningful learning experiences Ø Provide PD for staff/administration at building and district levels Ø Supplement PD with a library of informal videos to assist educators with individual technology needs Ø Create and make available a bank of technology-based resources for teachers/students Ø Annually survey educators for recommendations for PD opportunities in a digital format |
Ø Using Technology supports (LMS, SIS, other adaptive technologies) educators will monitor students’ progress to personalize learning and inform instructional practices |
Ø Design/purchase and implement technology-based assessments, innovative delivery platforms, and multiple ways for students to demonstrate understanding. This includes Virtual courses being made available. |
Ø Expand course offerings for students, such as Virtual Virginia. Ø Document the design and implementation of pilot projects Ø Report and share results of the implementation and innovative practices supporting student skill proficiency |
Ø Educators utilize the Instructional Technology Specialist (ITS) to support student engagement via technology in the classroom |
Ø Resources and support to assist teachers in integrating technology and learning are provided daily Ø Classroom observations by administrators, ITS and other support personnel Ø Teachers use the ITS as a co-teacher to properly embed technology in the lessons (teachers work in conjunction with, not the ITS leading the lesson) |
Ø A full-time ITS is available for each school for daily interactions/resolutions Ø ITS design PD to strengthen computer and digital [JF1] literacy for teachers/administrators. Highlight educational technology changes and its use in the classroom. Ø ITS meet minimally twice a year to assess and evaluate individual teacher needs Ø ITS assists in the collaboration and partnerships with professional organizations to provide strategic professional learning experiences in instructional technology |
Ø Educators understand how to enhance performance-based and alternative assessments through the intentional [CH2] integration of technology |
Ø School/division team will have tangible and meaningful PBL assessments created Ø Curriculum maps include PBL assessments, timelines, and rubrics for evaluative needs |
Ø Teachers implement technology-based assessments Ø Technology assists in the development of an online bank of successful assessments that can be accessed, adapted, and used properly |
Create Cultures of Change through Innovative Leadership Practices
Goals: Promote leadership that supports deeper learning experiences for students and innovative instructional practices by educators using technology.
Results(What do we want to accomplish?) |
Indicators(What evidence will exist on completion?) |
Action(What action will be taken?) |
Ø Educational leaders develop a shared vision for teaching and learning that includes appropriate use of technology |
Ø Follow the current comprehensive technology plan |
Ø CCPS will utilize the LEARN PLATFORM software module where teachers, leaders, and others have input on technology resources. |
Ø Educational leaders ensure a technology policy is established and guidance regulations are adhered to. |
Ø Current policy adopted |
Ø Periodic review of policy |
Ø Educational leaders communicate and guide the implementation of division and school goals for teaching and learning with curriculum integrated technology |
Ø Division and building level administrators disseminate the technology goals to staff |
Ø PD schedules will incorporate teaching and learning goals as related to technology |
Ø Educational leaders support, secure, and advocate for resources to sustain technology initiatives and goals |
Ø Building administrators with assistance from ITS will keep current technology trends evolving through collaborations with professional learning conferences |
Ø A diverse toolbox of technology resources will exist to support teachers Ø Secure funding to purchase and sustain software/hardware needs Ø Maintain or exceed state SOQ for ITS |
Ø Building level administrators and ITS will provide support |
Ø Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR) Model Ø Triple E (Engage, Enhance, Extend) framework for measuring how technology helps students to meet the learning goals Ø Vertical integration plan as created by ITS and other support personnel to maintain innovative instructional strategies |
Ø Educational leaders possess the capability to use technology efficiently and effectively in the performance of their job duties (data-driven decision making, educator evaluations, communication and more) |
Ø Division and building administrators will effectively demonstrate their technology expertise via job-related professional learning opportunities |
Ø Successful completion of targeted PD |
Ø Educational leaders will include technology to support school and division level collection, monitoring, and reporting of student data |
Ø Support the role technology has in statewide systems to collect, monitor, and report achievement by our students |
Ø Continued successful completion of federal and state reporting of required data. |
Ø Educational leaders collaborate with community stakeholders and establish partnerships to support technology demands
Ø Development of a vision that has a technologically trained and ready workforce Ø Division and building administration and instructional staff will support and integrate internet safety curricula |
Ø Modifications to strengthen current programs |
Ø Educational Leaders will seek methods of communication to inform, educate, and explain many facets of using technology for instructional and safety aspects |
Ø Website postings, Video Service announcements posted to the division website, Facebook page, or any other social/non-social media outlets. |
Ø Technology staff will assist certain staff in the development, production, and dispersal of a variety of media to address issues for informing the public and other stakeholders |
Promote and Support a Secure and Robust Technology Infrastructure to Bolster Access, Adequacy, and Equity.
Results(What do we want to accomplish?) |
Indicators(What evidence will exist on completion?) |
Action(What action will be taken?) |
Ø Educators and students have equitable access to secure and robust networks that provide high quality, reliable access to the internet and other communication needs. |
Ø Students and faculty are able to access online resources as they need. Ø Revenue via the federal eRate program, Virginia Public School Authority (VPSA) and budget funds |
Ø Maintain and expand reliable, scalable, and robust connectivity within and between schools and have internet as needed to support instruction, operation, and testing. Ø Maintain or exceed the SETDA’s recommended ISP provider bandwidth, long-term WAN target for connectivity between schools Ø Maintain and expand ethernet and wireless capabilities within all buildings to support instruction, operation, and testing Ø Participate in Federal (eRate), State (VPSA), other funding programs, and local funds programs to maximize resources available to students, educators, and school leaders |
Secure Environment and Protect Student Data |
Results(What do we want to accomplish?) |
Indicators(What evidence will exist on completion?) |
Action(What action will be taken?) |
Ø Comply with federal, state, and industry guidelines and best practice recommendations to minimize network threats and vulnerabilities and protect educational data. Ø Provide a safe online environment for students and staff through policies, and internet safety programs. Ø Students can make appropriate decisions while navigating the world wide web and utilizing online resources. |
Ø Students and staff are able to freely access online content that is not harmful to minors. Ø Students and staff are compliant with the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Ø Internet safety curricula is embedded in instruction across the division throughout the school year. Ø Federal, state, and local laws are followed. Ø Staff and students are familiar with the policies and procedures outlined in the comprehensive data governance plan. |
Ø Continue to use, review, and update a CIPA certified content filter to monitor student and staff online access that prevents end users from accessing content that is harmful to minors. Ø Research software/hardware that allows Parental/Guardian oversight of technology resources. Ø Review and maintain the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Ø ITS will develop and implement internet safety curricula across all grade levels. Ø Comply with federal law, especially CIPA, FERPA and COPPA. Ø Comply with the Code of Virginia. Ø Develop a comprehensive data governance plan that outlines policies and procedures regarding data security and individual privacy protection |
Instructional Technology Hardware and Software |
Results(What do we want to accomplish?) |
Indicators(What evidence will exist on completion?) |
Action(What action will be taken?) |
Ø Students, teachers, leaders have equitable access to computing devices, other digital resources, and assistive technologies |
Ø Student and staff device replacement cycle is established and current Ø Required funding is appropriated for device replacement cycles Ø The ratio of devices to students is established at 1:1 Ø Students and staff are able to use devices in all indoor designed instructional environment locations Ø All students pursuing standard or advanced diploma are able to complete at least one virtual course SOQ § 22.1-253.13:4.
Ø Define, fund, and continue to implement student and staff device replacement cycles Ø Maintain a 1:1 ratio device/student Ø Maintain and expand beyond the classroom walls access to the internet for a seamless instructional experience Ø On a yearly basis examine the student enrollment per school, the number of student computers per school, and restructure computer access as needed. Ø Provide adequate tables and chairs that will offer ease of student computer use. Ø Provide, maintain and support meaningful and engaging instructional technology hardware and software at all levels and content areas. Ø Ensure that assistive technology services and devices are implemented in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Ø Define the evaluation criteria for making informed purchases of computing devices and other digital resources, including assistive technologies. Ø Define the evaluation criteria and standards for hardware and software adoption to include a focus on interactivity, personalization, and universal design features.
Human Infrastructure |
Results(What do we want to accomplish?) |
Indicators(What evidence will exist on completion?) |
Action(What action will be taken?) |
Ø Provide the technical and human infrastructure necessary to support real, blended, and virtual learning environments. |
Ø Monitor the division’s yearly enrollment to meet the state SOQ requirement for Technology Support Staff and ITS. Ø Providing 1 ITS per school building. Ø A competitive technology support pays scale/band and compensation package that is properly adjusted to reflect the area market. Ø The instructional staff seek the assistance and knowledge of the ITS for integrating instructional technology in their instruction. Ø Teachers, Leaders, and students can perform their daily work without regular interruptions due to infrastructure or technology related problems. Ø Teachers, Leaders, and students report that they are happy with the helpdesk system, the timeliness that their problems and requests are addressed and that their issues have been resolved. |
Ø Evolve toward 1 ITS per building to equitably support all staff and student instructional technology. Ø Appropriate student-to-technician ratios should be maintained for fair working conditions. Ø Maintain a competitive technology department pay scale/pay band based upon experience, degree, certifications, responsibilities, and market value. An incentive program should be provided that incorporates technical certifications, degrees, and taking on additional responsibilities. Ø ITSs will form the foundation of the instructional technology professional development team. Ø Continue to use the Help Desk system to better provide timely technical support to teachers, staff, and students. |
Equitable Internet Access Across the Community |
Results(What do we want to accomplish?) |
Indicators(What evidence will exist on completion?) |
Action(What action will be taken?) |
Ø Internet Access throughout the County is available for equitable instructional opportunities for all students |
Ø Internet access county-wide is achieved |
Ø Promote and stress to County Government the importance of investing in a county-wide internet access infrastructure for the community |