Believe. Achieve. Become.

CCPS Technology Plan

Campbell County Public Schools
To provide a world-class education that enables every student to choose and pursue any post k12 endeavor
Educational Technology Plan


This plan is modeled after the Educational Technology Plan for Virginia.  Any plan, whether a technology plan or otherwise, should focus on continuing to do what is being done well and state a course of action to achieve those goals not yet reached.  This is precisely what this plan has tried to accomplish.  This plan calls for CCPS to continue to provide the technologies, services, and support it has provided for many years but to keep an eye on the technological horizon.  This plan is written to enable the Division to be a state leader in the use of technology to expand student opportunities as well as to explore and implement innovative ways to improve teaching, learning, and productivity in all schools.

One last and particularly important note: the technology uses referenced in this plan include technology for ALL students, as the increased emphasis on personalized learning makes clear. Along with the needs of typical students, the needs of exceptional students at both ends of the spectrum must be addressed.

Dr. R. Mark Slusher, Director of Instructional Technology

Mission Statement

The Technology Department will maintain a robust, safe learning environment that will provide all students and staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to seamlessly integrate technology into their daily lives.

Vision Statement

Providing CCPS a digital learning environment 24/7.

Strategic Priorities

Ø  Establish a culture that is safe and nurturing while allowing responsible change and builds confidence in all stakeholders

Ø  Provide a meaningful and purposeful education for the whole child

Technology Plan