Believe. Achieve. Become.

Gifted Instruction

Campbell County Public Schools philosophy for the education of gifted:

The Campbell County Public School System recognizes each child as a unique and valued individual, who offers promise of significant contribution to our society, and is deserving of an educational experience appropriate to his/her needs.

We believe it is our responsibility as a public education system to encourage and require differentiated educational services, in order to realize student potential for the benefit of themselves and society. Learning experiences for our brightest students should reflect teaching techniques and curriculum which emphasize problem solving, higher-order thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration by providing students with opportunities to become self-directed learners.

Further, in order to service the academically gifted appropriately, it is our belief for programming to be a unique and integral part of the total K-12 program. Campbell County Public Schools are committed to providing a continuum of gifted services within the classroom through a variety of enrichment and extension opportunities. The gifted program identifies students in grades K-12 with outstanding abilities and provides a sequential, differentiated program to assist these students in achieving their full potential.

We believe teachers who work with gifted students need to be aware of their unique learning characteristics and styles, and should be able to provide learning experiences appropriate to their needs. Therefore, Campbell County Schools is committed to providing on-going staff development, along with resource assistance to assure effective instructional programs for gifted learners.

The Odyssey Program:

Campbell County services identified, gifted learners in grades K-5 through a combination of resource classroom instruction supported by a specialist in gifted education and in-class differentiation supported by the regular classroom teacher. In Secondary, students are met with advanced curriculum options as well as an opportunity to apply to special programs.

Our Elementary Schools:

  • Continue to strengthen and expand the delivery of an appropriately differentiated curriculum within the regular classroom.
  • Problem based learning experiences
  • Field and authentic learning experiences
  • Evaluate scheduling options and implement resource time in order to maximize the interaction with the elementary gifted resource teacher.
  • Fourth and Fifth Grade Odyssey students have the opportunity to apply for the Piedmont Regional Governor’s School.

Our Middle Schools:

  • Evaluate scheduling options for gifted students so they may be grouped during enrichment times which occur during the school day.
  • Provide differentiation support in the classroom
  • Advanced course offerings in Math and English
  • Continue to strengthen and expand the delivery of advanced academic course offerings, exploratory classes, and the opportunity to apply to the Piedmont Regional Governor’s School (6th/7th grades).

Our High Schools:

  • Continue to strengthen and expand the delivery of advanced academic course offerings: Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement, Early College, Regional Governor's School
  • Provide differentiation support in Secondary Classrooms
  • Identified gifted students are invited to apply to programs, such as Residential Governor's School, a special summer program offered to extend the gifts and talents of our students

Referral Process

Please click on the link to learn more about how students are screened for the Odyssey program:

Odyssey Referral