Believe. Achieve. Become.

Home-School Resources

If you wish to provide home instruction for your child, please utilize the Virginia Department of Education Home Instruction Handbook as your reference for required procedures.  As the person designated to coordinate  this process, please direct all Home Instruction questions and correspondence to my office at:

Bruce Abbott At-Risk Coordinator (Homeless Liaison, Truancy, Homeschool) 434-332-3458 ext. 644

Jeff Burnett Truancy Officer (Attendance, Truancy, Homeschool)434-332-3458  ext. 642

Fax (434) 332-1199

Home-School Resources

Procedure for Enrolling Home-Schooled Students  into Public School and Students Transferring from Non-Accredited Schools

To determine grade placement for transferring elementary and middle school students, principals will consider available data, including, but not limited to the following:

A. Standardized test data

B. Informal inventories

C. Developmental level, and

D. Other assessment tools used to determine scholastic progress.

E. The school principal will be the final authority in making this grade placement.

To establish credit for high school courses, transferring students must complete end-of-course SOL tests or exams used at the school in which the student wishes to enroll.  If the student passes the SOL test or exam, the student’s transcript will be marked “Pass” for the specific course.  If the student fails the exam, no credit will be awarded.  To determine credit for Physical Education, the principal will evaluate a log of activities in which the student participated, and the student will be required to take the appropriate health exam.  Credit may not be granted for electives not offered by Campbell County Schools.