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Homebound Instruction

Homebound instruction is designed to provide continuity of educational services between the classroom and home or health care facility for students whose medical needs, both physical and psychiatric, do not allow school attendance for a limited time. Homebound instruction may also be used to supplement the classroom program for students with health impairments whose conditions may interfere with regular school attendance (e.g., students receiving dialysis or radiation/chemotherapy; or students with other serious health conditions). The goal of Homebound services is to provide quality instruction for a short period of time to keep the student current with core content instruction and facilitate the student’s return to the classroom setting.

Homebound instruction is not intended to supplant school services and is by design temporary.  Homebound instruction will not be considered unless a student will be out of school for more than ten consecutive school days. The student's inability to attend school for medical reasons, both physical and psychiatric, must be certified by a licensed physician, licensed clinical psychologist, or nurse practitioner.  Homebound instruction shall be made available to students who are confined at home or in a healthcare facility for periods that would prevent normal school attendance (8VAC20-131-180).  The term “confined at home or in a healthcare facility"; means the student is unable to participate in the normal day-to-day activities typically expected during school attendance. Students receiving homebound instruction may not work or participate in extra-curricular activities, non-academic activities (such as field trips), or community activities unless these activities are specifically outlined in the student’s medical plan of care or the Individualized Education Program (if applicable).
To discuss the potential need for homebound instructional services, contact the Assistant Principal or Guidance Counselor at your child’s school.

A Homebound Medical Certification of Need Form must be completed by your child’s licensed physician, licensed clinical psychologist, or nurse practitioner and submitted to the school. Medical Certifications of Need may not be for periods longer than 9 weeks. Should a student need to be out longer than 9 weeks, the student’s medical situation
must be reevaluated by a licensed clinical psychologist, or nurse practitioner and a new Homebound Medical Certification of Need Form must be submitted for the extension of homebound services.

For additional information, please contact your child’s school or the Homebound Coordinator at 434-477-5583.

Homebound Medical Need    Certification Form