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Special Education

The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) advises the Campbell County School Board about special education issues and ways in which they can make special education services as effective as possible.  The committee is a collaborative effort among school division personnel, parents, community representatives, and all stakeholders.

Special Education Annual Plan

SEAC Meeting Dates, Agendas, Minutes

Resources for Parents: 

The Virginia Department of Education has partnered with the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD) to produce a valuable tool for all parents to utilize in making critical decisions on behalf of their children when navigating the educational process.  The document is available electronically and can assist in answering the following questions:

  • What are some of the keys to a child’s academic success?
  • What decisions will families need to make regarding a child’s educational path?
  • At what points will families make these decisions? In this training program, we refer to these as critical decision points.
  • What information will families need so that they can make the most well-informed decisions possible for their child?

 Critical Decision Points for Families of Children with Disabilities

Additional information is available by contacting your child’s case manager at their home school.  If you require a hard copy of the document or a copy in any other format (i.e. large print, a language other than English, etc.) please contact the office of Pupil Personnel for Campbell County Schools at (434) 332-8243.

The purpose of SEAC is to:

  • Assist local school division personnel in developing long-range plans for special education services
  • Advise school division personnel, the School Board, and the community about issues related to special education; and
  • Participate in the development of priorities and strategies to meet the identified needs of students with disabilities.

The SEAC, whose members are appointed by the school board, is comprised of:

  • persons with disabilities
  • parents/guardians of students with disabilities
  • public/county human service agency representatives
  • community/civic organization representatives
  • business/industry representatives
  • The Director of Special Education, the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and a representative from the school board serve as consultants to the committee.

Meetings are open to the public, and anyone in the community who has an interest in special education is welcome to attend.  SEAC meetings are a great opportunity to network with other parents.

How do I speak with a SEAC member?

SEAC members are parent volunteers and not school employees. 

All those wishing further information may contact Dustin Barrett, Supervisor of Special Education , 434-332-8242

If you need assistance from the Special Education Department, please call 434-332-8231.

Archived Minutes

*If schools are closed due to inclement weather, the meeting will be canceled.  Please call 332-8231 to confirm meeting dates w/times.

Citizens are welcome to provide written comment to SEAC, or give public comment at the meetings during the time designated.   There is a designated time for public comment during SEAC meetings. This is an opportunity to share successful educational experiences and express general concerns regarding educational issues for students with special needs.   The SEAC requests that any concerns expressed be general comments dealing with global issues rather than a specific comment dealing with a personal matter or situation. The Committee suggests that you address concerns about personal situations directly to the Department of Special Education.

For more information regarding SEAC please reference “A Guide for Local Special Education Advisory Committees in Virginia

Anyone needing accommodations for a disability in order to attend or participate should call (434) 332-8321 seven days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.